A comprehensive consultation is provided over a period of two one-hour sessions, and along with a review of educational records, includes the following virtual sessions;
Initial Session:
Discuss the purpose for the consult and parental/guardian concerns. This session is primarily intended to provide a forum for the sharing of information.
Develop strategies for parents to implement to address immediate needs of the student.
Second Session:
Overview of record review based on documentation provided by parent.
Development of a “Next Steps Plan” for parent/guardian implementation.
This one-hour consultation is provided only to parents/guardians who have completed the comprehensive consultation process within the last school calendar year. The purpose of this consultation is to review the student’s progress and to discuss any new or additional concerns. The “Next Steps Plan” may also be revised during this consultation.
Consultation Regarding Educational Setting
This one-hour consultation is provided only to parents/guardians who have completed the comprehensive consultation process within the last school calendar year. During this consultation, options regarding educational placement are reviewed, including both public and private options.
Participation in IEP or Section 504 Meetings
This service is provided only to parents/guardians who have completed the comprehensive consultation process within the last school calendar year. The purpose of the participation is to help the family develop a positive collaboration with the school staff and to advocate for services necessary to ensure the student has appropriate access to educational resources, services, and accommodations.
Informational Consultation/Coaching
An informational consultation/coaching is primarily for families wanting to learn more about the referral process/procedures for IDEA or Section 504 or ways to address general educational concerns.
Learn to ask the questions you never knew you had or were afraid to ask during this coaching. This consultation is intended to give families a perspective of “what to expect” if a special education or Section 504 referral is under consideration.